Motovun Sights

Croatia travel guide with information and tips on beaches, sights and excursion destinations in Motovun Croatia

Motovun Croatia

In the heart of Istria you will discover this absolutely gorgeous town that is worth a visit for every traveler. Built on a hill and with many winding streets and alleys, Motovun towers over the surrounding vineyards and rolling hills. Foodies and history lovers should put Motovun at the top of their list because no town is as picturesque and unique.

If you want to move away from the coast and see a real fairytale village, you should come to Motovun in Istria. The town was built on a 280-meter-high hill that gently slopes down into the valley. The perfect place, not only for a castle, but also for the region’s wine production.

Thanks to its location, Motovun and its surrounding region are also perfect for hiking through the mountains and valleys. In addition to the numerous vineyards, there are also many ruins and historical sites to see. The roads and country paths are even better to explore by bike.

The view from the city walls and from one of the surrounding hiking trails will take your breath away. There is probably no other city in Croatia as beautiful as Motovun. And the coast is not far away either, for anyone who wants to take a dip in the cool water.

Motovun Sights

Motovun is especially popular with city strollers who want to learn more about the town’s history. Architecturally, it’s a true dream! The many alleys meander along the hillside and offer wonderful views of the valley from every angle.

St. Stephen’s Church : The landmark that stands on top of the hill above the town is this unique church. Its church tower can be seen from far away and is absolutely worth a visit. You can of course also visit it and see the entire valley from a bird’s eye view.

Wine and truffles : Wine is simply part of Motovun! There are countless wineries around the town that you can visit. Here you can also taste the delicious wines with cheese and ham. Of course, there are also numerous restaurants in the town that offer local varieties such as Motovunski Teran. Even tastier with regional truffles!

City wall : Despite its actually quite safe location, the city was once again surrounded by a protective wall in the 14th and 16th centuries. This can be seen from afar and is a special feature of the city. And from above you have a really great view of the green valley. The city gates are also a great photo opportunity. Be sure to walk along the Skywalk and catch an even more beautiful view.

Festivals : If you are in Motovun at the right time, you can also experience one of the many great festivals that the town has to offer. The most famous is probably the Motovun Film Festival, which has been celebrated since 1999. Of course, the delicious wine and truffles of Istria are also celebrated.

Motovun insider tip

Motovun Parenzana Tunnel : If you want a little thrill, you should go into this tunnel. It was built many years ago and always attracts interested tourists who dare to venture into the darkness. Don’t worry, there are lights too, but the tunnel still has a certain scary factor.

Motovun beaches

Since Motovun is located in the middle of Istria, there are no beaches directly connected to the town. However, the coast is only about half an hour away by car, so beach holidaymakers can also get their money’s worth and still see parts of the beautiful landscape in northern Croatia. We will briefly introduce some of the nearest beaches.

Lanterna Beach : This is the closest beach to Motovun. Nestled in the bay of the Mirna Channel, the area is perfect for anyone looking to cool off. The pebble beach has a shallow entry, so it is also highly recommended for children.

Karpinjan Beach : Novigrad is the next biggest town and is probably worth a visit for most tourists from Motovun. And there are plenty of beaches here too, starting with the popular Karpinjan Beach. Great for relaxing after exploring the town.

Crnika Beach : Not far from Lanterna is this beach, which is also popular with travelers. The surrounding pine trees provide enough shade for an enjoyable stay. The terrain is very varied, from sand to pebbles and some rocks, there is a lot to see.

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Motovun Day Trips in the Surrounding Area

A number of great attractions and excursion destinations can be reached from Motovun. A car is the best means of transport through the hilly landscapes of Istria and will always bring you safely to your destination. But where to? We have summarised the best day trips for you.

Novigrad : Novigrad has a lot to offer visitors: a great combination of history, culture, nature and delicious food. The city is perfect to escape the stress of everyday life and enjoy the beauty of Istria to the fullest.

Višnjan Observatory : If you prefer to look at the stars, you should take a detour to the observatory. The location in the middle of nature ensures a fantastically beautiful night sky, which can be observed with the telescope there. There is also a small replica of Stonehenge to see.

Pazin : Similar to Motovun, the town of Pazin was built on a hill in the middle of Istria. A historically valuable and distinctive town that you should definitely visit. A detour to Pazin Castle (Mitterburg) and the nearby waterfalls are an absolute must!

Lake Butoniga : An idyllic lake in the middle of Istria, which is one of the best photo opportunities in the region. There are also small farms with animals that have settled around the lake. If you drive further, you can also visit the lake’s waterfalls.

Poreč : Poreč is a truly charming town with an exciting history, stunning nature and plenty of activities and attractions for visitors of all ages. Whether you want to explore the historic old town, relax on the beaches or enjoy delicious Croatian cuisine, Poreč has something for everyone and is an unforgettable destination on the Adriatic coast.

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Weitere Informationen

Motovun is particularly impressive due to its beautiful location. Old walls that stretch along the hillside, and the many vineyards that can be found around the town. It almost seems like a fairytale! Add to that the delicious wine and the regional truffles that make a visit to the restaurants truly unique.